The pair has generated a profit of Rs. 50k on a capital of Rs. 6.1 Lakhs. This equates to +8.2 % gain on capital in 7 days.
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Category: Updates
HDFC(2) – NIFTY hit target, Profit 35,000/-
The pair has generated a profit of Rs. 35,000/- on a capital of Rs. 3.75 Lakhs in 4 days. This equates to +9.33% gain on capital.
PairTrade Workshop
We are happy to announce online PairTrade Workshop on 6th & 7th June, 2020. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn a system which gives you consistent returns every month, without risking your capital. Click here for complete details
TECHM(2)-TCS(3) has hit 75k profit mark
The pair has generated a profit of Rs. 75K on a capital of Rs. 7.4 Lakhs. This equates to +10.1% gain on capital in 2 days.
BANKNIFTY-HDFCBANK hit target, 20k profit
The pair has again generated a profit of Rs. 20K on a capital of Rs. 2.6 Lakhs. This equates to +7.7% gain on capital in 7 days.
Introduction to Pair Trading
We are happy to announce that we are conducting an hour long webinar on Introduction to Pair Trading on 25th April 2020, Saturday at 7pm. Pls register here
ACC-AMBUJACEM hit Target, Profit 20000/-
The pair has generated a profit of Rs. 20,000/- on a capital of Rs. 2.2 Lakhs. This equates to +9.1% gain on capital in 8 days.
BANKNIFTY-HDFCBANK hit target, 16k profit
The pair has again generated a profit of Rs. 16K on a capital of Rs. 2.4 Lakhs. This equates to +6.67% gain on capital in 12 days.
GLENMARK(2)-CIPLA has hit 75K Profit mark
The pair has generated a profit of Rs. 75,000/- on a capital of Rs. 3.5 Lakhs. This equates to +21.4% gain on capital in 12 days.