The pair has generated a profit of Rs. 20,000/- on a capital of Rs. 1.71 Lakhs. This equates to +11.69% gain on capital in 4 days.
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UNIONBANK-ALBK has given 25k Profit
The pair has generated a profit of Rs. 25,000/- on a capital of Rs. 1.64 Lakhs. This equates to +15.24% gain on capital in 4 days.
LUPIN-DRREDDY has hit 18k profit
The pair has generated a profit of Rs. 18k on a capital of Rs. 2.03 Lakhs. This equates to +8.87% gain on capital in 2 days.
PTC-PFC hit 20k profit mark
The pair has generated a profit of Rs. 20K on a capital of Rs. 2.01 Lakhs. This equates to +10% gain on capital in 1 day.
INDUSINDBK – HDFCBANK has hit 20k profit mark
The pair generated a profit of Rs. 20,000/- on a capital of Rs. 1.41 Lakhs. This equates to +14.8% gain on capital in 4 days.
PTC-RECLTD hit target, 35k profit
The pair has again generated a profit of Rs. 35K on a capital of Rs. 2.29 Lakhs. This equates to +15.255% gain on capital in 3 days.
INDUSINDBK – HDFCBANK has hit 8k profit mark
The pair generated a profit of Rs. 8,000/- in intraday on a capital of Rs. 1.41 Lakhs. This equates to +5.67% gain on capital.
INDUSINDBK – HDFCBANK has hit 10k profit mark
The pair generated a profit of Rs. 10,000/- within 5 days on a capital of Rs. 1.41 Lakhs. This equates to +7.09% gain on capital.
AMBUJACEM-ACC hit Target, Profit 8000/-
The pair has generated a profit of Rs. 8,000/- on a capital of Rs. 1.64 Lakhs. This equates to +4.87% gain on capital in 4 days.