The pair has generated a profit of Rs. 30K on a capital of Rs. 3.6 Lakhs. This equates to +8.33% gain on capital in 3 days.
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BANKNIFTY(2)-SBIN(1) has returned 30k Profit
The pair has generated a profit of Rs. 30K on a capital of Rs. 3.59 Lakhs. This equates to +8.35% gain on capital in 13 days.
ACC(2)-SHREECEM has returned 40000/- profit
The pair has generated a profit of Rs. 40,000/- on a capital of Rs. 4.14 Lakhs. This equates to +9.66% gain on capital in 22 days.
CANBK(2)-SBIN(1) has again returned 35k Profit
The pair has generated a profit of Rs. 35K on a capital of Rs. 4.24 Lakhs. This equates to +8.25% gain on capital in 1 day.
CANBK(2)-SBIN(1) has returned 30k Profit
The pair has generated a profit of Rs. 30K on a capital of Rs. 4.24 Lakhs. This equates to +7.07% gain on capital in 1 day.
AMBUJACEM-SHREECEM has again returned 24000/- profit
The pair has generated a profit of Rs. 24,000/- on a capital of Rs. 3.96 Lakhs. This equates to +6.08% gain on capital in 3 days.
NIFTY(2) – BANKNIFTY(3) returned 20k Profit
The pair has generated a profit of Rs. 20,000/- on a capital of Rs. 4.53 Lakhs. This equates to +4.41% gain on capital in 13 days.
CANBK(2)-SBIN(1) has hit target, Profit 40k
The pair has generated a profit of Rs. 40K on a capital of Rs. 4.36 Lakhs. This equates to +9.17% gain on capital in 4 days.
AMBUJACEM-SHREECEM hit 25000/- profit mark
The pair has generated a profit of Rs. 25,000/- on a capital of Rs. 3.94 Lakhs. This equates to +6.35% gain on capital in 3 days.