The pair has generated a profit of Rs. 25K on a capital of Rs. 3.9 Lakhs. This equates to +6.4% gain on capital in 4 days.
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Author: PairTrade
AXISBANK-SBIN has hit Target – Profit 25k
The pair has generated a profit of Rs. 25k on a capital of Rs. 7.5 Lakhs. This equates to +3.33% gain on capital in 25 days.
AMBUJACEM(4000) – ULTRACEMCO(200) hit Target – Profit 60k
The pair has generated a profit of Rs. 60,000/- on a capital of Rs. 8.9 Lakhs. This equates to +6.74% gain on capital in 17 days.
ICICIBANK-KOTAKBANK has hit target, profit 45k
The pair has again generated a profit of Rs. 45K on a capital of Rs. 4.7 Lakhs. This equates to +9.57% gain on capital in 3 days.
ICICIBANK-BANKNIFTY has hit 35k profit mark
The pair has generated a profit of Rs. 35K on a capital of Rs. 4.4 Lakhs. This equates to +7.95% gain on capital in 3 days.
SBILIFE-HDFCLIFE has returned a Profit of 21k
The pair has generated a profit of Rs. 21k on a capital of Rs. 3.5 Lakhs. This equates to +6% gain on capital in 3 days.
PairTrade Workshop
We are happy to announce the online PairTrade Workshop on 26th & 27th December, 2020. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn a system which gives you consistent returns every month, without risking your capital. Click here for complete details
HDFC – HDFCBANK has hit Target – 30k profit
The pair has generated a profit of Rs. 30,000/- on a capital of Rs. 3.6 Lakhs. This equates to +8.3% gain on capital in 8 days.
SBILIFE-HDFCLIFE has hit Target – Profit 22k
The pair has generated a profit of Rs. 22k on a capital of Rs. 3.6 Lakhs. This equates to +6.11% gain on capital in 4 days.